How much does penis enlargement cost?

A procedure aimed at penis enlargement can compete with popular types of plastic surgery. The yellow press regularly writes about how many times a well-known and very sexy actor or TV presenter has increased his penis and their fans want to follow idols as an example.

An experienced doctor knows that the penis does not have generally accepted length standards, it is not correct to apply such concepts as small, medium or large to it. However, many men still fight for such an operation.

For them, the insufficient size of the penis is a problem for which they are ready to use even a painful surgical procedure, without thinking about how much it costs to enlarge the penis.

However, you will have to pay a lot of money for it and you will have to take such measures only as a last resort, when there is an urgent need.

How much does penis enlargement cost? This directly depends on the operating method used. There are several, but in any case the patient will need a lot of money. Below are the varieties of such an operation, their distinctive features and the approximate price are indicated.

How much does penis enlargement surgery cost with ligamentotomy?

Ligamentotomy in medicine is called a special operation that increases male dignity. It takes from 30 to 60 minutes and is performed strictly under general anesthesia. The cost of the fix ranges from $ 200 to $ 1500.

The ligament of the penis during this operation is dissected and no longer holds it anatomically inside the male body. This means that the increase in size occurs due to the release of a hidden area of meat.

Ligamentotomy - an operation to increase the length of the penis

Rehabilitation lasts up to three weeks. Then the seam dissolves and becomes completely invisible. After discharge, the patient should come regularly for dressings. Also, wearing an extender is recommended. Usually, after a ligamentotomy, they experience no physical discomfort. It does not affect the vessels and muscles responsible for erection. Power is fully preserved.

Characteristics of penile implants and how much it costs to enlarge a penis with them

The installation of an artificial prosthesis is recommended for those representatives of the stronger sex who have serious problems not only with the size of the penis, but also with potency. Many are embarrassed by implants, but the artificial part of the penis looks just like the real one. Women usually do not even notice such a replacement. The intervention in the body is quite significant. It will take a long time to recover.

Penis enlargement with penile prosthesis

The price depends on the qualifications of the surgeon performing this work and the direct cost of the implant. How much does penis enlargement cost with such an unusual method? About two thousand dollars for a plant and up to 4. 200 dollars for its installation.

How much does penis enlargement cost?

The sexual organ can be not only larger, but also thicker. Lipofilling increases the volume at the expense of your own fat cells. You should not expect a long-term and too noticeable result, because thickening will occur by a maximum of 1 centimeter and after a while it will disappear again.

How much does it cost to enlarge the penis by pumping some fat into it? Around $ 1350. In some clinics, this figure may be higher. In advance, it is mandatory to consult with specialists.

Muscle tissue transplant for penis enlargement

How much does penis enlargement cost with muscle transplant?

The surgical way to solve the problem under consideration also involves wrapping the penis in a piece of tissue carefully taken from the abdominal wall. You will need to stay under anesthesia for up to three hours, and after getting out of it, you need to abstain from sex for some time.

How effective will the result be? There is usually a 3-5 cm stretch. How much does it cost to increase the penis by this length? From 2000 to 4000 euros. This method is the most expensive, but after its application you will not encounter the same difficulties.

Regardless of the type of surgery you choose, you should first find out how much penis enlargement surgery costs so that it doesn't turn out to be a major blow to your financial condition.

If you watch videos posted on specialized sites, the above information will become increasingly clear. Knowing how much it costs to surgically enlarge a penis, everyone can choose the best way and get what they want.